A parting post
Well the time has come and now I must post my final thoughts before I leave the United States.
In just a few short days I will be leaving for Iraq and some of you may be wondering "what is going through his head?"
Well. . .
1. I am not as anxious to go as I thought I would be
2. I do not harbor fear nor anger nor sadness
3. I feel prepared for the long road ahead, both physically and mentally
The past few days I have been quite lackadaisical, playing with my new computer, updating pictures on the website, and spending time reading a book. It seems as though tomorrow is just another day and the next and the next and so on. I know in my mind that we are going to war but I don't have any emotions or feelings that would lead you to believe that is where I am headed.
Anyways. Contact will be limited for the next month or so and by that I mean very little if anything. As soon as I can hop unto the internet I will update. If I can somehow call in a post I will also try to do that.
I want to thank everyone for keeping in touch via the blog site. At last check I have had over 3,100 visits to the site since I set it up on September 19th.
I send my to love to everyone back home, don't worry I will be home soon!
Love you Mom, Dad, Bryan, Kathy, and Kristi.
Goodbye Mississippi, United States, and hello sunny sand beaches of Iraq!
-Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me. -Psalm 23:4
In just a few short days I will be leaving for Iraq and some of you may be wondering "what is going through his head?"
Well. . .
1. I am not as anxious to go as I thought I would be
2. I do not harbor fear nor anger nor sadness
3. I feel prepared for the long road ahead, both physically and mentally
The past few days I have been quite lackadaisical, playing with my new computer, updating pictures on the website, and spending time reading a book. It seems as though tomorrow is just another day and the next and the next and so on. I know in my mind that we are going to war but I don't have any emotions or feelings that would lead you to believe that is where I am headed.
Anyways. Contact will be limited for the next month or so and by that I mean very little if anything. As soon as I can hop unto the internet I will update. If I can somehow call in a post I will also try to do that.
I want to thank everyone for keeping in touch via the blog site. At last check I have had over 3,100 visits to the site since I set it up on September 19th.
I send my to love to everyone back home, don't worry I will be home soon!
Love you Mom, Dad, Bryan, Kathy, and Kristi.
Goodbye Mississippi, United States, and hello sunny sand beaches of Iraq!
-Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me. -Psalm 23:4
Hey there:
I saw your comment on Dan's blog and it brought a big smile to my face. The trip down there was a bit surreal for me; one could say I was pretty tense about it all. But I feel so much better knowing that he's with a good group of people, a really good group of people. Thanks for reminding me he's in good hands. I'll be sure to keep you in my prayers! Emily
Dan, at 2:25 PM
Best wishes Nick and Godspeed. Watch your six.
proud fan, at 10:45 PM
Eric and I send you lots of hugs, we are thinking of you and thank-you for everything you are doing. This whole thing seems so surreal as if it's just a dream. But I hope when I wake up your here safe at home in Minnesota.
Sending lots of hugs
Nicole ( and Eric and Lily :-))
Anonymous, at 4:58 PM
Hey Nick,
Thanks for keeping us up on everything. We've all been logging in. Thanks for all you are doing to keep us safe. You will constantly be in our prayers.
All our love,
Dave, Sue, Julie and Katie
Anonymous, at 5:58 PM
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Лечебная сила дёгтя.
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Шампунь с дёгтем - удобная форма для использования на волосистой части головы. Способствует росту и укреплению волос. Может применяться при себорее и псориазе. Шампунь наносят на волосы, намыливают и смывают так же, как во время мытья обычными(не лечебными) шампунями, процедуру повторяют 2 раза. Частота мытья может быть привычной(обычно 2-3 раза в неделю)
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Предлагаемый дектярный гуль обладает противозудным, противовоспалительным, антисептическим, противогрибковым действием. Мягкая моющая формула не раздражает кожу, что позволяет использовать данный продукт чаще других подобных лекарственных и косметичсеских средств. Гель наносят на мокрую мягкую губку, вспенивают и намыливают на кожу. Через небольшой промежуток времени тщательно смывают водой.
Дектярное мыло.
Дектярное мыло обладает редуцирующим, противопаразитным, восстановительным, противовоспалительным и анестизирующим действием. Так же дектярное жидкое мыло одно из самых эффективных, дешевых и универсальных средств от прыщей. Применять дектярное жидкое мыло рекомендуется один или два раза в день - утром и вечером. В течение 2-3 недель наступает положительных эффект. Жидкое дектярное мыло подходит любому типу лица.
Цена шампуня - 300 руб.
Мыло - 300 руб.
Гель - 300 руб.
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