April showers bring May. . .Sandstorms?
Well friends, it has been quite a while since my last post and I suppose I have wet your appetite.
With the temperatures rising and the days getting longer, the soldiers are beginning to scatter like camel spiders as soon as the sunlight begins to show itself. It is still relatively "cool" right now with temps in the 90's but soon enough we will be experiencing the full wrath of the desert rays.
Congrats to all the new units that have heard about the new extension orders for all Army deployments increasing from 12 months to 15. Since our unit has already been extended and we are nearing our 21st month on deployment I have little sympathy, however, I would never wish for any unit to go this long. With the Army making the new deployments 15 months, and like I said we are near 21 months away from home, the Army is shattering it's reputation and it's attempts to make this war appear like progress is being made.
First, taking a National Guard unit such as ourselves, and deploying us for nearly two years away from families, school, and occupations is ludicrous. Then, expecting them to deploy after only a year back home just puts the icing on the cake. The Army is going to lose many veteran and young soldiers alike, including myself, as a result of this decision. Second, National Guard families are not like Active Army families and the impact of these prolonged deployments will diminish the support of the families and in turn the soldiers' commitment to this military.
Today's Iraq Tip: Watch your boots when things get bloody, it's hard to wash off.
Until next time,
Book Recommendation: Henderson the Rain King, Saul Bellow
Either way is time from family but have you been in Iraq for 21 months or activated for 21 months?
By Anonymous, at 4:56 AM
Our unit has been activated since August, 2005. We have been in extended in Iraq for up to 120 days, are are in the 13th month here.
By nbope, at 6:06 AM
True the boots do stain easier than the ol black boots. May the dust of Iraq cover the stains on your boots, and ease the memories of harship.
By Anonymous, at 10:57 AM
true oh so true. Support is going to fade with such long times away from family and soldiers alike. I support my soldier no matter what but 2 years is just something we were not prepared for. Hang strong and we will all be reunited soon.
By Anonymous, at 7:15 PM
You are in my thoughts and prayers everyday...I have always known you to be the guy that can walk up to anyone and make friends or still manage to have a good time...even when the circumstances aren't the greatest(remember when we stood in the rain at WE Fest for 3 1/2 hours!) But you are also the guy who is strong willed of mind and heart, I will keep praying for strenth for you and your fellow soldiers, until you all come home. Until then know that this war is constant reminder of the hatred that lies in some men's hearts and courage in others who find the strength to go on day after day to carry the title of an American Soldier!
Keep up the positve attitude Nick!
Your OT Lake Friend!
By Anonymous, at 7:48 PM
My son is in Iraq working as a medic in the ER in Baghdad. Just know that we at home are praying for you and care about you all.
By Anonymous, at 11:06 AM
I just heard from a buddy from AIT in Indiana whose getting ready to come back for his third time over here. We need to start finding all the Guard slugs who haven't been anywhere and throw them on a plane to Kuwait before even one soldier is sent on a repeat deployment. As far as I'm concerned if you've been out of AIT more than 2 years, full respect should be reserved only for those with a patch on their right sleeve. There's plenty of slots in deploying units to volunteer for. Every one of these REMFs should be picking up trash on the side of the road.
By Anonymous, at 12:57 PM
Hello Nick. Have you ever been able to play golf again out there? We're trying to collect some decent golf equipment to send over to you guys.
Take care of yourselves.
By Patricia Hannigan, at 12:28 PM
It's got to be frustrating to have been deployed for so long. I recently signed back up in the reserves.
I have noticed that many of the "part-time" units being sent over are national guard troops. Whatever your feelings are towards Pres. Bush, it may be easy to blame him for being called up but we forget that it's the state governors who authorize deployments. With the exception of the Insurrection Act, the president cannot call up national guard troops.
Many governors know that when a guard unit is handed over to federal control then they go on the federal payroll - freeing up state money for other uses. But how many governors will admit this?
Sorry you're caught in it.
By Anonymous, at 1:08 PM
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Here, I do not actually consider it is likely to have effect.
By site, at 6:15 AM
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