A Change of Plans
Nothing in the military is a certainty, you learn that from day one. Semper gumby; always flexible. That is more true than ever today as I tell you that I won't be coming home when planned.
A passing soldier stops to ask a question:
"What's the big news on base?" queries the soldier.
"We just found out that we are being extended. . ." is the response.
"Now everything makes sense. Everyone looks like they are going to cry."
As a result of the call up for more troops in Iraq, the 1/34 Brigade Combat Team is being extended in Iraq for an unannounced amount of time. We are in our 16th month of this deployment and it looks as though it may just turn out to be a two year tour. Nothing is set yet but we have heard rumors about a July return date now instead of the planned March exodus.
All around base you can feel the misery that the soldiers are feeling. Laughter, sadness, and anger surrounds the conversations and mood when you greet someone. Plans shattered, most soldiers are frantically trying to talk to their loved ones that are thousands of miles away. They have to try and console their families and themselves at the same time, a quite difficult task.
Many will be missing weddings, school graduations, birthdays, anniversaries, and vacation plans. We all knew that we were going to be making sacrifices on this deployment but we never expected a two year deployment time, easily one of the longest deployments for any unit yet.
With my chin up I sit here and ponder the implications of an extended stay. You just can't make this stuff up.
A passing soldier stops to ask a question:
"What's the big news on base?" queries the soldier.
"We just found out that we are being extended. . ." is the response.
"Now everything makes sense. Everyone looks like they are going to cry."
As a result of the call up for more troops in Iraq, the 1/34 Brigade Combat Team is being extended in Iraq for an unannounced amount of time. We are in our 16th month of this deployment and it looks as though it may just turn out to be a two year tour. Nothing is set yet but we have heard rumors about a July return date now instead of the planned March exodus.
All around base you can feel the misery that the soldiers are feeling. Laughter, sadness, and anger surrounds the conversations and mood when you greet someone. Plans shattered, most soldiers are frantically trying to talk to their loved ones that are thousands of miles away. They have to try and console their families and themselves at the same time, a quite difficult task.
Many will be missing weddings, school graduations, birthdays, anniversaries, and vacation plans. We all knew that we were going to be making sacrifices on this deployment but we never expected a two year deployment time, easily one of the longest deployments for any unit yet.
With my chin up I sit here and ponder the implications of an extended stay. You just can't make this stuff up.
hey nick... thanks for blogging about this...
just try to stay focused i guess... and we're all hoping you come home as soon as possible... safe and healthy...
Anonymous, at 10:34 AM
And just when I thought 2nd Brigade was going to get some action. Sorry man.
Anonymous, at 12:51 PM
Bless you. Back here in Minnesota, we'll do what we can for all the troops' families.
Anonymous, at 5:29 AM
like bry said. stay focused, i guess. and know all of us back home are prayin for your safe and quick return
Living Dees Life, at 10:35 AM
Ok. This is what is happening even as we speak. Sunni insurgents who aren't just protecting their neighborhood are moving to Diyala because it is out of the areas Bush mentioned the surge is going to affect. Shiite militias are taking off their uniforms and blending in with the civilians. Those who are doing the killings are taking a cautious approach of waiting to see what the effect of Bush's surge will be. An immediate effect will be a dip in killings as the killers take a thoughtful pause. Meanwhile, current US and Iraqi forces are trying to implement the "puddles spreading" strategy by spreading areas of security by creating sequential gated communities. That is why you see jet fighters flying over parts of Baghdad. By Gates' comments, this surge will last less than a year. During this time, the US and Iraqi security forces will attempt to create large swaths of area of denial in both Baghdad and the Anbar province. The two major obstacles to the short term success of the surge is Maliki's conflict of interest with Sadr and the US bureacracy. The major obstacles to the long term success of the surge is the ability of the forces hiding in Diyala to seep back and the ability to keep the Shiite militias disarmed. After the surge, it will be up to the Iraqi security forces to keep the security gained. God help Iraq if they aren't ready. As for the US, this is effectively Bush's last major action in Iraq. He has spent what is left of any political capital left on this. Any other major decision including a Vietnam-like withdrawal will most likely wait for the 2008 elections.
Sang J. Moon, at 5:08 PM
Me and Matt just read your post. We're hoping that you don't get an extended stay so that we can buy you a few beers back in MN.
J-term is boring. We finally got snow though so it looks like winter. Mike and Stoddard are gone for j term. Mike is living it up in NZ and Stoddard is living it up at home.
Scott and Matt
Anonymous, at 4:18 PM
I can't believe I missed another call from you. I really wish I hadn't. I hope someone finally answered... seriously call me back anytime. Obviously going to keep praying for you. Still missing you.
Anonymous, at 5:38 PM
Hey Nick
I'm sorry about the news. We're all thinking about you. It seems like just yesterday when I saw you last New Years. I'm praying for you. Miss you
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