Greetings From Balad
the hosting Air Force ER team.
Well I finally have good news.
I have been moved to Balad to work in the Air Force Trauma Hospital for a month. I have been here since the 4th and should be here for the remainder of the month. I have been put in the ER for the first half of the visit and so far things have been great.
I have seen and learned so much in the past ten days and I can't even begin to describe how great it is to finally do my job. Not only that but I have been able to pick up a huge wealth of knowledge from these Air Force folks on how they operate their hospitals. All the equipment is new to me so I have had to learn a whole new set of equipment but the basics are the same. In the Army I rarely have the opportunity such as this to work in a fully capable trauma center and see the traumas that we see here. Most of my work medically speaking has been in the field and so it's a little different to be on the receiving end as we get the patients from the choppers after they have already been worked on.
I will be here for the month so that would include Christmas as well. Although I didn't really come up here with anyone in my unit I have gotten close to the rest of the ER team and I am loving it. Although they only spend four months here I try not to give them too hard a time (I guess that's the Air Force for ya).
Alright folks, until next time,
Result of the football game: Air Force-42 to Army-35. It's a sad day.
Hi Nick!
So i was studying in the classics dept. for finals (ewww) and i picked up the newsletter and happened upon your article. i actually got my own copy a month or so ago, but never really looked through it. i'm also a fellow classicist and want you to know that i am praying for you to be safe. i can't imagine what life is like over there. thank you for allowing me to walk freely on this campus. so i'm taking a procrastination vacation from my studies right now and just thought i'd say thank you (not only for what you are doing right now overseas!) but for your awesome quote about having control over your life and how as you get older there are things you can control and things you can't. i have a problem with wanting order, organization, consistency, and schedules. i'm afraid of the unknown, but sometimes that's where our greatest lessons are learned. i was freaking out last year when i got to GAC because i had no clue what college would be like, so the best attitude i could put on was to expect the unexpected. yet here i am for round 2 and it's been an AMAZING ride. this summer i worked at camp and had no clue what i was getting myself into. again, i had the best summer ever and am so glad i didn't let myself stay in my little bubble of security. so thank you for enlightening my day when i need it as i'm swimming in the abyss known as finals....ewww. well stay safe, soldier, take care and happy christmas early!!!
Anonymous, at 1:50 PM
No way how did you luck out and get to work in the Air Force Theater Support Hospital?
Anonymous, at 2:31 PM
Hi Nick, I'm happy to hear you are doing OK and it sounds really rewarding to be able to work and learn in a hospital. I know this was always your dream; just think the pre-med kids back at GAC won’t see any really action in a hospital for years. Ideally thought there would be no patients in the hospital and everyone would be good and healthy.
It is the Sunday night before another day of finals over here so everyone is buried away in the library or their place of study.
I just want to say I hope the best for you in the remainder of your term in Iraq and hope for your safe return. Thanks so much for your Blog it gives me perspective as I sit here freaking out about finals or what ever insignificant things are going on over here. Well be safe and I hope to see you soon.
Michael Lynch
Oh and the Vikes have another shot at the Pack this week, we'll see how that goes.
Anonymous, at 10:53 PM
hey nick-
glad to see you're enjoying/learning a lot with what you're doing now!! sounds like you had fun playing football with the guys...speaking of football though i can't wait until tomorrow when carrie and i are at the packers/vikings game and the vikings get demolished!! stay safe and have a merry christmas!!
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