What got into the Vikings?
Hello everyone,
I know it has been a long time since updating but I think you can understand. We finished our field training (medical lanes) on Friday so we finally have a day off. Let me explain what we were doing:
1. We set up all of our equipment in our ambulances and aid bags.
2. We developed procedures on how to react to a call
3. We made plans on how to setup our ambulances and the different teams
4. We went through scenarios and practiced reacting to calls.
What would happen is that we would receive a call from our headquarters notifying us of a location for casualties. We would send out a team on an ambulance with a security force to the location. When we got there the lead medic would triage and then radio back if we needed assistance or a air-evac. But there were many twists. . . The Iraqi civilians in the town would be yelling and shouting at you. They would sometime get hostile with your team, and gunfire would erupt and had to return fire. Sometimes, explosions would take out your whole vehicle and you then you would only have one medic left to take over all of the patients. It was a lot of fun, but also very stressful because of all the adrenaline you have running through you and the decisions you have to make on the spot. After we picked up the patients we brought them back to the FOB to the treatment team who took care of them afterwards.
I can't believe the Vikings! What has gotten into them? You would think that somebody is threatening them with their lives to win. I haven't been able to watch the games but I can see the scores on the ticker on the screen. Well whatever is happening, let's hope it keeps happening. I am not too hopeful for the playoffs but it's nice not being in the same situation as the Packers (ouch. . . I don't mean it, really. . . .oh yes I do).
I bet everybody is getting anxious to finish classes and get home. So, to all you at school who have finals coming up I am praying for you (especially those of you who I know need it this semester).
I don't have much more to say today. Everyday I wake up and I count the days left until Christmas leave on the 22nd. I'll see everyone soon!
P.S. - I am really considering not doing a shoutout ever again, unless it is to a single person. I received too many phone calls and comments. Angela and Angela, I'm sorry that I you didn't get included so this is for you.
I know it has been a long time since updating but I think you can understand. We finished our field training (medical lanes) on Friday so we finally have a day off. Let me explain what we were doing:
1. We set up all of our equipment in our ambulances and aid bags.
2. We developed procedures on how to react to a call
3. We made plans on how to setup our ambulances and the different teams
4. We went through scenarios and practiced reacting to calls.
What would happen is that we would receive a call from our headquarters notifying us of a location for casualties. We would send out a team on an ambulance with a security force to the location. When we got there the lead medic would triage and then radio back if we needed assistance or a air-evac. But there were many twists. . . The Iraqi civilians in the town would be yelling and shouting at you. They would sometime get hostile with your team, and gunfire would erupt and had to return fire. Sometimes, explosions would take out your whole vehicle and you then you would only have one medic left to take over all of the patients. It was a lot of fun, but also very stressful because of all the adrenaline you have running through you and the decisions you have to make on the spot. After we picked up the patients we brought them back to the FOB to the treatment team who took care of them afterwards.
I can't believe the Vikings! What has gotten into them? You would think that somebody is threatening them with their lives to win. I haven't been able to watch the games but I can see the scores on the ticker on the screen. Well whatever is happening, let's hope it keeps happening. I am not too hopeful for the playoffs but it's nice not being in the same situation as the Packers (ouch. . . I don't mean it, really. . . .oh yes I do).
I bet everybody is getting anxious to finish classes and get home. So, to all you at school who have finals coming up I am praying for you (especially those of you who I know need it this semester).
I don't have much more to say today. Everyday I wake up and I count the days left until Christmas leave on the 22nd. I'll see everyone soon!
P.S. - I am really considering not doing a shoutout ever again, unless it is to a single person. I received too many phone calls and comments. Angela and Angela, I'm sorry that I you didn't get included so this is for you.
Thanks for finally remembering me. I do appreciate it. It's good to hear that things are going well. I know I can't wait for this semester to be over. I'm going home for J-Term and working at a church up in Edina in their Youth Ministry program, pretty much running it actually. I'm just so glad to hear your voice again. Have a fantabulous Christmas and New Years.
~Angela R.
Anonymous, at 8:18 PM
I got for sure news today that I'm going to get through the incomplete and the thesis!!! That means I just have to pass my finals to graduate. YAY!! Just wanted to share my good news with you.
Hope all is well.
Anonymous, at 11:51 PM
Oh Nick Bope, your to cute! Thanks for remembering! It was great to talk to you! And as for the *Packers*-I know you didn't forget what a huge fan I am, oh whats that they won last night, against a team with a pretty good record-you say, huh, funny, you make your little comments and it comes back to bite you in the butt! The truth hurts, I can't help that the only member of the team, not out, is our quarterback, its hard to win games, when you don't have anyone to pass to or protect you... Oh ya, and my little one will be a Packer Fan, I bought a Greenbay Onesie with matching socks @ Wal-Mart-To Cute! Can't wait to see you on the 30th!
Love You Lots!
Ang (Angela M.)
Anonymous, at 2:42 PM
Nick-I have been watching the games and i must say we are making improvments, i must point out though even though the pakers won Monday night against a good team they are still 3-10 where the vikes are now 7-5,but it's all good.
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