The Desert Excursion: 365 days in Iraq - a 24/7 Soldier Medic

Sunday, January 15, 2006

A Weekend Update. . . .

Ok, I have to make this quick because I only have ten minutes left on the internet.

Yes, If you haven't heard I am back in beautiful Mississippi. Since I got back, I have been in my medical classes every single day. I am getting a little bit worn out, I'll admit. Getting up every day at 5:30 for class at 7:00 is not exactly my cup of tea. We have been going through our continuing ed. credits for our EMT registration and so it is pretty easy stuff. On Wednesday we begin PHTLS (pre hospital trauma life support) certification which should be a little more interesting. My classes won't finish until around the 26th or so, which at least means I have a set schedule until then which is a plus.

Also. I mentioned the other day that we have a tentative mission plan for when we get to Iraq. NOTHING is ever set in stone, I can't stress this enough. We were told where our company is going to go and what we may be doing. Right now I can't tell you if I will be performing medical tasks or not. The troop strength for the missions will determine where everyone will go and what task they will be doing, so it may turn out that I could be tasked to something non-medical.

Well, I have to go but of course I will let everyone know as much information as OPSEC allows. Some things I can't share, but most is safe. Have a great week everyone!


P.S. I will really try to get a day when I can put some more pictures from here on my yahoo photos site. I will let you know.


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