It's just the little things
Hello everyone!
I have decided to do a little venting today. I am not one to complain much about things, so I know that I am frustrated when I must bring this up on my blog.
When you are deployed to a war zone you would think that when you got there things would be a little more laid back when you weren't working. You would be assuming wrong apparently. Ever since we arrived in Iraq it seems that our chain of command has been sitting around in their air-conditioned offices thinking of ways to make our down time less comfortable.
They aren't absurd rules, but they are rules nonetheless. If you didn't know this about me already, I don't take well to being under someones thumb. If I think something can be better I get angry, if something makes no sense I question it, and if somebody clearly can't do their job I want to get rid of them.
The way that I see things is somewhat different from the way the Army would like me to see them. They want to help me be a better leader, but I don't want to be micromanaged. They try to act like they are making you important and give you kudos for things that any early hominid could do; give me a break! I don't need flattery and I sure don't want to be "developed into a leader", especially when I don't like the way "they" lead.
The problem that I inherently run into is this: If I don't follow the leader and the pack I will be struck down. NEWSFLASH ladies and gentlemen: I don't kiss anyone's rear to gain respect in this world. I will not change what I believe nor who I am to gain anothers respect or receive personal gain. If I move up in the military it will be because I did what I beleived was right. Likewise, if I want to get into medical school it will be through hard work and even harder studying, but I assure you I want to earn it.
This all may seem quite scatterbrained, but I assure you it makes sense to me. Some of you may know exactly what I am talking about, and the 'yes man' that says "yes sir" is scratching his head right now.
Of course I am not saying that I shouldn't respect my leadership, I should, I am just saying that I will not crumble beneath their power. Doesn't this sound reasonable? And for crying out loud, when the soldier has time off let's let him relax ehh? I think it is enough that you make him face killing or being killed that he has earned a little more relaxed attitude during the time off.
As always, thanks for listening everyone!
I have decided to do a little venting today. I am not one to complain much about things, so I know that I am frustrated when I must bring this up on my blog.
When you are deployed to a war zone you would think that when you got there things would be a little more laid back when you weren't working. You would be assuming wrong apparently. Ever since we arrived in Iraq it seems that our chain of command has been sitting around in their air-conditioned offices thinking of ways to make our down time less comfortable.
They aren't absurd rules, but they are rules nonetheless. If you didn't know this about me already, I don't take well to being under someones thumb. If I think something can be better I get angry, if something makes no sense I question it, and if somebody clearly can't do their job I want to get rid of them.
The way that I see things is somewhat different from the way the Army would like me to see them. They want to help me be a better leader, but I don't want to be micromanaged. They try to act like they are making you important and give you kudos for things that any early hominid could do; give me a break! I don't need flattery and I sure don't want to be "developed into a leader", especially when I don't like the way "they" lead.
The problem that I inherently run into is this: If I don't follow the leader and the pack I will be struck down. NEWSFLASH ladies and gentlemen: I don't kiss anyone's rear to gain respect in this world. I will not change what I believe nor who I am to gain anothers respect or receive personal gain. If I move up in the military it will be because I did what I beleived was right. Likewise, if I want to get into medical school it will be through hard work and even harder studying, but I assure you I want to earn it.
This all may seem quite scatterbrained, but I assure you it makes sense to me. Some of you may know exactly what I am talking about, and the 'yes man' that says "yes sir" is scratching his head right now.
Of course I am not saying that I shouldn't respect my leadership, I should, I am just saying that I will not crumble beneath their power. Doesn't this sound reasonable? And for crying out loud, when the soldier has time off let's let him relax ehh? I think it is enough that you make him face killing or being killed that he has earned a little more relaxed attitude during the time off.
As always, thanks for listening everyone!
Like you I hate being micro-managed and I tend to question things that don't seem to be running the way that I would run them. I don't kiss butt either, not yesterday, n ot today, not ever. You're right. I think that you guys should be given some time "off", as in, not having to do anything unless you want to, finding some actual relaxation time. and not being programmed, er, honed into someone else's idea of what a "leader" looks like...
Now then... what to do about it is an entirely different question...
Hang in there.
proud fan, at 11:29 PM
Hope you get some down time- some times it takes an E-5 to get the point across to the higher ups how hard you have been working (and the other nco/ jr staff) since you are more in touch with the others then those that have been sitting in the airconditioning all day. Some times it is nice to get advice from those who have been there done that- but your right- it sucks to get advise on how to lead from those you dont truly respect. And when you get your E-6- it only gets better- you still get crappy advice- and you get to do lots more paper work on it! Good luck- dont forget to use your voice because I am sure you are not the only one who feels this way- and the other jr's are prob looking for the nco's to get something done about it- just remember to use the proper chain of command to get something done about it! hang in there- keep doing good work!
Michelle Connery
Anonymous, at 3:05 AM
Glad you could get that off your chest. I TOTALLY understand the ideas you're running into. I am lucky enough right now though to finally have a good boss... but her bosses enjoy micromanaging etc... so... yeah.
I hope you get a little more time to relax... and have another ice cream :)
Anonymous, at 7:17 PM
hey nick - sorry i missed your call the other day - hope to see you in august somehow!
Bobo, at 7:25 AM
NICK!! GOOD NEWS!!! I was at the store and I was looking for ice cream... and you'll be happy to know that Breyer's brand Mint Chocolate Chip ice cream is WHITE!! it's not green. Just thought I'd pass that along. Tell all your friends ;)
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