The Desert Excursion: 365 days in Iraq - a 24/7 Soldier Medic

Sunday, June 11, 2006

A Weekend Update (to say the least)

This is really frusturating. My post was deleted so I am rewriting this, but I am sure it will be less enthusiastic than the original.

Where to start? . . .

I have a new mission. My old mission was cancelled and so I found myself with nothing to do for five days or so until I was told about a new mission. As I was preparing for the new duties of the mission I was told that my mission had changed again but that it was only for the rest of the month. It seems that medics are highly flexible and our command has decided to use them at their own descretion in any way they seem fit.

It was my cousin Julie's wedding this past weekend and I was sad that I could not be there. I could not get a hold of her before the wedding because I was actually on my way to Bagdhad and did not have a chance to use the phone. As soon as a got to Bagdhad I found a phone and tried to call any cell phone numbers that I could remember but to no avail. Frusturated, I thought quickly and realized the internet would solve my problems once again. I looked up the phone number to the recpetion hall and viola! I was on the track. I called the number and it went like this,

"Hello, My name is Nick and I am in Iraq. My cousin is having her reception there and I was wondering if I could talk to her?" I heard a muffled voice on the other end and then a woman explaining that she was looking through the crowds for the bride. When they found her they put her into a closet so that I could here her over the noise in the background. I congratulated here and told here that I wished I culd have been there. I actually smiled as I hung the phone up; smug that I had been able to get a hold of her.

Currently I am sitting on a FOB (base) between Bagdhad and home base. We are currently "delayed" so I probably won't be back until Wednedsday morning. Life on the road is not glamourous and the living quarters are temporary so we get into a tent without A/C and attempt to sleep during the daylight hours (it's 6:30 here right now and I still haven't gone to bed).

As you may have noticed I put a Weather Channel link on the right side of the page for An Nasiriyah which is close to home base so you can see what the current weather status is here. Last time I checked it was 111 and sand storms in the area. When I get back to home base I will try to get things updated and pictures up of course!

I would also like to say thank you to my family and wedding guests who left those wonderful comments, it was nice to hear from all of you. Have a great week everyone!

Stuck on the road,


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