The Desert Excursion: 365 days in Iraq - a 24/7 Soldier Medic

Thursday, October 13, 2005

A Beautiful Fall Day

It's fall here in Minnesota and the leaves are slowly beginning to change. Today I went with my roommate Justin to downtown St. Peter (where our school is located). Founded in 1853, it is one the oldest cities in Minnesota and is the home of 5 governors. Roughly 10,000 people live here and it hosts over 40 sites on the National Register of Historic Places. I grew up in the Twin Cities, but I have always loved the small town atmosphere. Anyways, we took a stroll through main street to observe some of the buildings for his Urban Geography class. Some of the brick buildings still standing were built when the city was founded.

After the walk through we went into Mankato to eat lunch and get groceries for our apartment (food goes pretty quickly with 4 college students living together). I hope you like the pictures have a great day everyone!

Nick out.


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